
This Should

A project to unearth the alchemy of creative collaboration spaces. For the full corpus of episodes, go here or subscribe on any platform.

Season 1, Episode 1

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Create Exceptional Creative Centers

Explore innovative tools and resources to bring your ideas to life.

The Toolkit

Coming soon. A toolkit for developing successful innovation centers.

The Paper

Coming soon. An academic paper that establishes a blueprint for innovation centers.

The Grant

The Lenfest Grant outline that kicked off this project.

About TSW*

and Jayson Margalus

The contemporary landscape of innovation is increasingly shaped by centers fostering creativity, collaboration, and commercialization. The This Should Work* project will outline a framework for creating innovation centers within various organizational structures, including corporations, academic institutions, and cities. Outputs will include an academic paper, a multimedia podcast with interviews, and a toolkit for developing innovation centers. These centers are crucial for nurturing the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.

Jayson R. Margalus is a maker, designer, computer scientist, and outdoorsman. Margalus is the Johnson Professor of Entrepreneurship and Leadership, and Director of the Connolly Center for Entrepreneurship at Washington & Lee University. Prior to that he was the founding Faculty Director of Maker Innovation at DePaul University’s Idea Realization Lab(s), and a Professional Lecturer of Industrial and Game Design in the School of Design in the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media.

This is such a great look at what it means to be a maker from someone who has been running makerspaces for 10 years. Jay does a fantastic job of really getting the best from all of his guests and getting to the heart of what making is all about. They are all great episodes!

Andrew Morrison

Professor, Natural Science, JJC

Great conversations with true makers. “This Should Work*” is a must listen digest of the most interesting work coming out of creative innovation spaces.

Rudy Ristich